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Why Copywriting Is Crucial For New Website Build

Lewis Mitchell1253 06-Sep-2018

 Online copywriting can boggle the mind without a coherent strategy

In all four corners of the world wide web, consumers are demanding high-quality content spanning all forms of media. The internet is awash with so-called ‘experts’ across a range of industries and specialisms that it can be difficult to be heard. If your business is in the process of redesigning and relaunching its website, it’s vital that your web content adequately reflects the personality of your business and provides a consistent user experience of your brand. Here are three important reasons why digital content should be front and center of your digital strategy.

The need for a presence in the major search engines

Understanding your website’s analytics can inform your digital content

There’s no doubt that effective website design offers a multitude of technical benefits with your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Fast page load times and mobile responsivity are deemed very favorably in the eyes of Google, but great copywriting is even more powerful. For many years now, Google has placed immense value on high-quality, original copywriting. A digital content strategy based around search terms that prospects regularly use, engaging content ideas and compelling calls-to-action can be hugely profitable, delivering a genuine return on investment.
Add value to prospects and existing customers

Every word that is written for your website should work hard to get users hooked. Consider your website as your digital shop front. As with high street retail, you’re only likely to get one shot to make a positive first impression and you must add value with what you write. It’s not just about whacky product descriptions and email communications. Your content needs to reach out to your readers’ problems and attempt to solve them with your goods or services. A well-populated knowledge base or blog with articles focusing specifically on niche topics and issues within your industry. These articles can then be shared on social media too, helping to turn prospects into customers and customers into brand advocates.

Expand your reach to new audiences

Well-targeted copywriting can help to expand the reach of your business in a short space of time. If your SEO keyword research pinpoints a string of relevant search terms that your website doesn’t currently use or feature, work with your copywriter to find creative ways to get them included. This may involve creating new product categories and landing pages tailored to the new search terms. The best copywriters know how to change their tone of voice to appeal to different audiences.
Good copywriters can be found in all walks of life

Routes into copywriting can vary from professional to professional. Some people are trained journalists that prefer the challenge of helping businesses sell more online. Meanwhile, others are traditional authors with a flair for the creative word. Take Maria Konnikova for instance, who had a PhD in Psychology and two best-selling books when becoming an advertising copywriter. Konnikova's talents also extend to playing poker, which was discovered when she sought to conduct some research for her third book. She discovered a new passion and even won a prestigious tournament in the process. In many ways, it's good for your web copywriter to be well-rounded and have a diverse intellectual background.

Profitable copywriting steps into the shoes of the customer

When it comes to writing web content, any business needs to be persuasive to encourage its visitors to take action. Unfortunately, not every website has the luxury of persuasive copy that helps to generate sales without coming across overtly cheesy like an old-school used car salesman. Profitable online content finds the perfect sweet-spot between providing enough information for the consumer and giving them compelling reasons why they should hit the ‘buy now’ button. Normally, this will result in putting your goods and services into the context of your target customers’ everyday lives. How can your business make their lives easier? Ultimately, copywriting is a killer digital marketing skill that can quickly convert readers into customers is all that matters.

Updated 17-Sep-2018

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